Terms Of Use

Website Terms of Use

Dear User,

Many methods have been tried to solve this problem before hair transplant operations. There are still treatments that will strengthen the hair root and make the hair healthy in various hair problems. However, in many cases, the permanent solution for hair loss is hair transplantation.

SM Hair Clinic offers products and services to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases. Every service in the hospital is inspected by official or semi-official institutions (T.R. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Foundations, ISO, etc.). In accordance with the relevant laws, the public is protected by law within the framework of the services provided and the nature of the treatments applied.

Anyone who visits this https://www.smhairclinic.com site or requests to benefit from the services offered on this site accepts all of the terms and conditions in this "Terms of Use and Legal Notice".

SM Hair Clinic reserves the right to make changes, at any time, in the information under the heading "Terms of Use and Legal Notice" and other instructions on this site. These changes will be valid and binding from the date they are published on this site. It is the responsibility of the site user to follow the changes. SM Hair Clinic has no obligation to notify you of the changes separately. By continuing to use the services of the SM Hair Clinic site, you are deemed to have accepted these changes.

Provisions Regarding the Use of the Site

Links on the SM Hair Clinic site may take you outside of the SM Hair Clinic site and SM Hair Clinic does not take any responsibility for the content, accuracy or function of these sites. SM Hair Clinic is not responsible for any subsequent changes in the linked sites. SM Hair Clinic or its affiliates cannot be held responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, collateral or penal damages, losses and damages that may arise from the site user's access to or use of this site. . Visitors to our website acknowledge that the files available for download on our website are not guaranteed to be free of viruses or any other malicious or harmful code or material. All software and hardware needs required for the prevention of such malicious and damaging codes or materials, the accuracy of data inputs and outputs or the recovery of any lost data are the responsibility of the user. The user accepts that he takes all responsibility and risk arising from the use of the site. The website provides the site and all elements included in its content "as is" and does not provide any express or implied warranties about the website or any service, information or element included in the website content or any use of the site. It is the user's sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy of all opinions, advice, services or other information and materials provided through the SM Hair Clinic site.

Legal warning

SM Hair Clinic Web Site, its content and applications are for informational and educational purposes only and have not been created for the purpose of providing any medical advice or providing any physician-patient relationship.

The information on our site cannot be compared with the information provided as a result of physician examination and consultation of physicians. The opinions and documents stated in the sources do not reflect the official views of SM Hair Clinic unless clearly stated.


All kinds of texts, images, sounds, animations, video files and all other materials and designs published on this site are copyrighted in accordance with the Law No. 5846 and the relevant Legislation. This copyright belongs to SM Hair Clinic and no item can be copied, used or used on other sites for commercial purposes.

Update Date 22 February 2025

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Online Hair Transplant Analysis

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