The main points to consider when choosing a quality and suitable hair transplant center are as follows;
- The institution's history, brand awareness, work and references of the selected hospital or clinic should be checked. In addition, before and after pictures, whether the people who will undergo the operation are experts, whether there is a doctor in the institution, the technology to be used, whether a guarantee & certificate is given are among the other most important details.
- The details of the main headings are very important. In particular, it is important that the guarantee or certificate has a wet signature with a written stamp and certifies how many grafts have been planted and dated on your behalf. Your interlocutor is the institution, not the people you talk to in the institution, and the number of institutions that give written, not verbal, guarantees is very few.
- Hair transplantation is a long operation and one of the most disturbing points for people is anesthesia. In order for the process to be painless and painless, appropriate anesthesia ensures a healthier and higher quality of the process. When choosing a hair transplant center, the state of anesthesia should be questioned.
Anesthesia in Hair Transplantation Should Be Considered!
- Many institutions and organizations perform hair transplantation under local anesthesia. In some private institutions, painless anesthesia is applied first, and then a more comfortable hair transplant process is experienced by local anesthesia. Painless anesthesia is an anesthesia method that minimizes the pain and pain of local anesthesia. Choosing a hair transplant center that performs painless anesthesia before local anesthesia will allow you to have a more comfortable and painless transplant.
- A detailed consultation should be made before going through the hair transplant operation. Information is very important in choosing the right institution. Accurate, clear and explanatory information should be obtained. Whether the donor point is sufficient, whether the need will be met or not, how the planning will be with the grafts obtained should be discussed with the specialist in detail and a common point should be met. In addition, the patient's history should be taken into account, and a hair transplant center should be selected that questions whether he has a chronic illness, takes adequate precautions, and carries out the necessary controls and analyzes.
- In order not to have serious problems with the hair transplant center and for the formation of healthier hair, it is necessary to research in detail for the right decision. It is necessary to be very careful when choosing, as the grafts taken from the donor point will not grow back. If there is not enough graft at the donor point to correct a bad result again, you may not have a second chance. Instead of an irreversible bad hair transplant operation, how would you like to set out with the qualified and reliable Sm Hair Clinic?
Being under the control of experts in the processes and planning the hair transplantation with care will significantly affect the result. As long as you pay attention to the above mentioned items in the hair transplant center you choose, a successful result will be inevitable.
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